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Proof of Tech Support Gods
Posted: March 1st, 2007Posted By: Steve J

In our on going effort to support the paranormal, we present two episodes of Tech Support. Each will prove that there are Gods of Tech support and they are sick bastards. Names have been changed to protect the stupid!

Case 1: Tech support guy M goes out on a call to upgrade as server. M starts at 10:00. M is immediately saddled with retard who sits with M asking pointless questions, makes stupid remarks and is generally unhelpful. Upgrading of server goes fine until last bit of data is copied and then server promptly blows up. Blue screens, moaning and lack of booting - the usual crap that is our worst nightmare. M starts from scratch and does this over and over again, fixing error after error. Finally, M get the server up and running and working like is suppose to. Time is now 20:00 and M is in desperate need of a beer. The fickle God Xchng strikes again.

Case 2: Tech support guys M and S go out to deliver a server. Server install goes smoothly (maybe too smoothly). They get various machines connected and up and running. They make certain tests to find that the gremlin of sameip is lurking around. They finally track that down and kill it. Everything seems to be going great. The person in charge of the server takes a deep breath and is about to launch into 1,000,000 stupid questions routine. M and S look at each other and cringe. Then, the God of Nopower strikes, plunging them into darkness. M and S look at eachother, then look at the person in charge, shrug their shoulder and respond "Looks like our work here is done!", race upstairs, grab coats and boots and are out the door before Nopower can leave.

Some times the Gods can be kind.

Case 1 (Revisited): Tech support guy M gets panic call from client. Server has gone down again. Tech guy M goes out and sure enough server is not doing what it is suppose to. M shuts down the server and drops the original server back in place. Everything is going fine. M takes the new server back to the shop to beat the shit out of it. Couple of days go by and M gets another panic call. Old server has gone down and no mail can flow. M goes out and can’t get the server running. Several tense search through the web and M finds the problem. MS put a limit on the size of the mailboxes and it was very small. Guess what, 100+ users and 16 Gig of storage, you do the math. Thanks again O God Xchng you bastard!

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