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EDI Laffs, Gaffs and Blunders: WTF!
Posted: March 26th, 2007Posted By: MikeB

Edition V3.4: Oy gevalt...

Every time you open your mouth...Some idiot starts talking......


dumb.yank said at 15:37AM: What's the point of doing the 997 processing?

MikeB * Uhhhhhhh am I hearing that right? *

dumb.yank said at 15:39AM: We haven't done them in years for XYZ and XYZ is still in business.

MikeB * No fucking way is anybody that stupid *

dumb.yank said at 15:40AM: If the order isn't received and processd, somebody complains, so what's the deal?

MikeB * Yeah who cares if an order is fulfilled 3 weeks late! *

Really, too fucking stupid to even respond to.

When do I get my supply of crack cocaine....

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