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And these are the people responsible for our children’s future????
Posted: January 14th, 2008Posted By: DRC

H&S report states ID10T sprained his knee when stepping over a network cable in room 123 at XYZ.

The steps to resolve the issue was to move the computers in the room. 

Bossman: Go  find out what happened and let me know so I can deflect this to the ID10T error. (When is it NOT an ID10T error?!?!?!?)

So off I go into the wild blue yonder to speak to the Ditzyqueen of room 123.

DRC: Ok, Ditzyqueen, do you remember what happened this day?

DQ: Yeah, Meatball and ID10T were working on the computer and ID10T said he hurt himself.  

DRC: Any thing else you can remember?

DQ: No I was more interested in flapping the butterfly.

DRC: *ugh*

So now lets grab the phone and talk to Meatball:

DRC: Hey, what happened on this day when you were working on the computer in DQ’s room?

MB: That was the day I went in and started fixing the wiring in the room.   ID10T decided he wanted to help so I asked him to connect this wire to the switch.  Next thing I know he’s standing next to me saying he can’t move his knee.

DRC: What did he do high jump the table?

MB: No he just came around but had to step over the network cable that was streched from the wall.  

DRC: Did he not think to just unplug it from the wall?

MB: Apparently not, he tried high-jumping it instead.....

As a result ID10T, the BMW-driving, gucci-wearing, cross-eyed sperm-recepticle ends up off for a few days with a hyper-extended knee.  4 words:


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