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EDI Laffs, Gaffs and Blunders: Communication follies...
Posted: January 22nd, 2008Posted By: MikeB

Edition V3.11: AS2 SHYT FU F ME!

Well! Luckily my super-duper high-tech employer has all these ultra-techno-whizzy-propeller-fucking-head-fag-fucking-shit software tools to make my job easy! SO FUCKING EASY AN APE COULD DO IT! GO FUCK YOURSELVES! Fuck. Ok, So I VPN into the usual connection point on PC #2 for all my usual stuff, then in order to access my AS2 communications server, I need a different fucking VPN package! JOY OUT THE ASS! It collides big time with the first one, so I commandeer my son's computer, PC3, to VPN in occasionally to said AS2 server. Pain in the ass, yes, but I can live with it. Oh whats that you say? I need to exchange certificates with that large W-named retailer you say? Fuck me ambush style.

Here's where it gets fun. I need to use a web-browser (non firefox thanks Wally I hope you are rotting in hell) to get to the customers site, but it's all blocked due to the techno-small-cocked-chinese-fags fucking ultra-secure-meanies-go-away setup, so there goes using my Linux PC1, which is my primary B.V.D. (Breast Viewing Device) Introducing PC4 !!! Run downstairs to do the customer side certificate, and they want the vendor one. Run upstairs to PC, generate a certificate, send to gmail, rund downstairs to PC4. Upload certs, run up to PC3, load certs, run to PC2, send a test document. FUCKING SHIT! Shit's failing all over due to fucked up certificates. Meanwhile el-doucho-goyo is just a CRANKING out the failed documents, because its easier to click resend than to fix them, but that's another episode. So now comms are not going with W retailer. Great, I haven't been on in a while, just might need to later today!

Redo the entire process, basically wearing out the carpet running from computer to computer, cursing like a Wellander who's bicycle has been stole. And it's finally working. *PHEW*. Pass the testing process, set certificates to permanent.

Then I decided to go to Best-Buy, where it's always fun.  Picked up my Sony Blu-Ray player, and all was well in the world.

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