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Eat a Dick? What’s on the Lunch Menu?
Posted: March 11th, 2006Posted By: Mike G

Mar. 11, 2006. 01:00 AM

As this week's Food section on charcuterie reported, sausages, cornichons and baguettes — phallic symbols all — are now de rigueur on fashionable Toronto tables. But truly trendy foodies need not settle for mere symbols when the real thing is available a mere 13-hour plane trip away.

Yes, amidst a peaceful courtyard in Beijing, the Guo Lizhuang restaurant lets diners please their palates with more than 30 kinds of animal penis served Chinese hotpot style.

For about $45 to $450 (aren't you glad our currency is so strong these days?), gourmands can choose among many kinds of bian hotpots: yaks, donkeys, dogs, oxen and even — shh, don't tell the McCartneys — seals.

Traditional Chinese medicine apparently holds that the penis of certain beasts is chock-a block with nutrients that bring men energy. And because it contains gelatin and albumen — as do marshmallows — it's supposed to have excellent cosmetic effects for women and is particularly good for skin.

Prices at the Guo Lizhuang ("strength in the pot") eatery seem reasonable to us, though we admit to lacking a means of comparison: a donkey penis sets you back $27.25 as does the ragout of ox and dog members. And given its prodigious length, a yak pecker is a steal at $38.75.

Original Article published in The Toronto Star Mar 11, 2006.

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