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Derek Fixes his Car!!! - A photo essay by Mike B.

Here's a "before" picture for prosperity.
Sure it looks a little rough, but still drives great, Derek will sand her down, look good as new by Tuesday.

Here Derek is getting to the source of the dent.

Derek makes sure he gets below the surface rust, don't want any paint bubbles.

Stripping off any dented metal, gotta be smooth for paint.

Applying the first coat of body filler evenly is the key to a good finish.
That's Chris holding the form to keep the over-sray from ruining the Trolls in the garden.

Gotta have sandpaper, can't have sandpaper without sand. Here's Mike B at the beach picking up some sand. Hot day, had to have a beer.

Fill in all visible cracks.

Derek dropped his keys in the fender, had to tear the car apart to get them!

Handy Dent Removal tools.

Handy Dent Creation tool.

Sandying, sanding, sanding, and more sanding.

Ran out of sandpaper, this time Patrick insisted that he goes to get more sand. "Eh, I'm get so tired here!"

The bugs were driving us crazy! Luckily Steve brought a quality insecticide.

A new tailpipe to dress up the rear end.

All done! All it needs now is a little Soya Sauce!