Taylor & Bate Brewery Tour
Wingage Score: 90%
Address: 75 St. Paul Street - St. Catharines
Parking: Parallel
Intersection: St Paul between William & Queen
Last Reviewed: October 4th, 2001
Last Visited: October 4th, 2001
Website: http://www.taylorandbate.com
BHON - Taylor and Bate Brewery Tour
October 4, 2001:
When we walked in the door, the malty odour immediately brought smiles to our faces. We were home! As American as apple pie, beer symbolizes a Canadian way of life, and a BHON passion. What could be more appropriate an event than a tour and tasting at this fine local microbrewery?
Originally established in 1834, the Taylor and Bate brand only recently resurfaced in downtown St. Catharines in 1998. Brewed onsite in their St. Paul Street storefront are several selections of premium lager and ale, which we enjoyed in plentiful quantity.
After the conclusion of the tour, our attentions focused on some of the downtown pubs serving Taylor and Bate’s, which we continued to enjoy for the rest of the evening.
A huge thanks goes out to Gregg Crealock and the crew at Taylor and Bate for an entertaining and informative look at the chemistry, production and history behind our favourite beverage. They even joined us for wings afterwards!
And...a final quote for the evening... "Life’s too short to drink boring beer!"

"We are not opposed to your drinking our product until you’re absolutely silly..." Gregg Crealock
