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EDI Laffs, Gaffs and Blunders: Whatever
Posted: April 26th, 2007Posted By: MikeB

Edition V3.5: Make up your fucking mind...

So the amazing decision process at my unnamed employer works so smooth, there are no flip flopping or confusing logical circles ever!


Shithead 1: Mike isn't on DW - he needs to be reinstated.
Me: Whatever.
Shithead 2: Ok, we'll reinstate, get the client peice installed.
Me: Who cares.
Shithead 1: Well he isnt on DW as a cost saving measure.
Me: Don't care.
Shithead 2: Ok, as long as he gets notified of any necessary tickets.
Me: Do what ya gotta do.
Shithead 1
: Who is going to notify him, should be you?
Me: Blah.
Shithead 2: I thought it would be your responsibility.
Me: Who gives a shit.
Shithead 2: It will be me, the Top durka just told me.
Me: Whatever V2.

Some people have a lot of time on their hands.....


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