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Ho Ho Whore!
Posted: December 5th, 2007Posted By: MikeB

Christmas lights. Ugh.

So I start off, stretch out the 40' of icycle lights to see what's working and what's not. Ok, 5 bulbs out of maybe 300 burnt out. Hooh hah! No problems, pop in 5 replacement. Put them back in tha box, haul them and a ladder outside. I rapidly start to re-hang the lights in the same place as last year, all is going well. It's going to be magical. Then the ladder gives out, I fall ontop of aformentioned ladder. A little physics knowledge tells us that a 180 lb objext falling onto an aluminum ladder laying on its side has a net result of one MANGLED ladder. Not a single bit of aluminum remains unbent. Add a scraped ankle just for fun. But ok, I hobble around and get the rest attached to the eavetrough. Plug it in and voila! 1/4 of the lights arent working. FUCK!!!! Now I'm steaming. So what's a pissed off Canadian do? Grab a hockey stick and bust all those fucking lights off the house, then go inside and have a beer.

Going to buy new lights today.  Fuck.

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