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BHON COVID-19 Updates
Posted: 2020-05-18 by MG

So the coronavirus pandemic continues, although we are seeing some signs of optimism as the government slowly begins relaxing lockdown restrictions. When the bars will finally reopen is anybody’s guess, but we’ll be ready! We’re guessing things won’t be getting back to normal right away, but when the day comes that we’re actually allowed to go out for beers again, it will be a cause for celebrations! 

In the meantime, BHON members can join us thursday nights at the usual time on Zoom. BYOB and BYOW (bring your own wings). It certainly doesn’t feel the same as a real BHON night, but it’s better than nothing and a nice opportunity to see some familiar faces after two months of being cooped up in the house.

BHON Pbbbbt of the Month - Coronavirus Edition!
Posted: 2020-05-18 by MG

As the pandemic continues, we’d like to remind everyone to continue to follow proper social distancing and hand washing procedures to prevent the spread of the virus. 

But’s just some pictures of tits because all this all this coronavirus bullshit has me depressed.

BHON Pbbbbt of the Month - Coronavirus Edition!
Posted: 2020-03-29 by MG

With the current pandemic sweeping the globe, we thought it would be a good idea to remind people to follow proper social isolation procedures!

In our first example, we can clearly see that these two individuals are NOT following proper distancing protocol. They should be allowing a minimum of 2 meters of space between each other to help prevent spread of Covid-19. This is incorrect!

In our second example below, we can see that this person is practicing proper social distancing procedures, as well as wearing a protective mask to prevent spread of the virus. While facemasks are generally not recommended for the general population, we can assume that perhaps she is a healthcare professional and is taking steps to protect herself during the pandemic outbreak.

Remember...we must all do our part to ’Flatten the Curve’ and limit the spread of this virus! Until then, stay home, stay safe and be sure to wash your hands!

Coronavirus Alert!
Posted: 2020-03-15 by MG

COVID-19  has arrived in Niagara. Be sure to wash your hands and take steps to protect yourself!

All BHON activities are currently on hiatus until further notice. (Not like we had any choice since
Doug Ford closed all the bars and restaurants!) 




Scarlett Johansson does Saucapalooza!
Posted: 2020-01-19 by MG

If BHON did Hollywood celebrity interviews...

Unlike so many self-righteous celebs who’ll gladly tell you why their vegan lifestyle choices are morally superior to yours, here’s Scarlett Johansson chugging beer and eating suicide wings while cursing like a sailor during an unusual youtube interview. I think we should make her an honorary BHON member!

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